"We serve God and the church through the power of music with 

humility, passion, unity, servanthood, and thankfulness."

burlpres is home to a thriving and inclusive music ministry. We take a "God first, team second, and me last.

approach that leads to inspiring rehearsals and fulfilling worship. Musical excellence and a supportive community

are what you’ll find in the burlpres music ministry. There is a place at burlpres for all who wish to develop their

musical gifts – people of all backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to join us.

Modern Worship Team

Chancel Choir

Lend your musical gifts to help lead during our modern worship service. Singers, drummers, violinists, you name it, we have a place for you on the team. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings.

Contact Steven Hall for more information.

All singers are welcome to join the Chancel Choir, which provides choral leadership of our classic service in the Sanctuary. Some music reading ability, pitch-matching skills, and a love of singing required. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:30pm.

Contact Steven Hall for more Information.


The burlpres bell band plays several times a year in worship. The handbells rehearse on Thursday evenings. If you have basic music reading skills and are looking for a way to contribute to worship, handbells are a great opportunity!

Contact Peter Bassford for more Information.

Tech & AV Ministry

The Tech Team at burlpres leads worship through audio, video and presentation software, so that all might experience God. There are opportunities to help with video, lighting, decorating and special projects. There are opportunities to serve as a photographer, videographer, sound engineer, and more. No experience needed - we offer training.

Contact Casey Fowler for more Information.