Your Donation Makes a Difference

Giving to burlpres

Your support is essential to our ministry at burlpres! Please consider how God is guiding you to give.

Give to burlpres

The first link allows a GUEST to select their bank account
or credit card for a one-time payment.

The second link allows a GUEST to use their credit card
to set up a recurring payment.

It’s quick and easy to give through your bank’s online bill payment service. Just list ‘First Presbyterian Church of Burlingame’ as the payee, use your name as the account, and provide this address:
First Presbyterian Church of Burlingame 1500 Easton Drive Burlingame, CA 94010 (650) 342-0875
Your bank will send the payment, and we’ll record it toward your giving record.

Give through your financial institution

Pledge to burlpres

burlpres can assist you with your long term estate planning. For more information, contact us at

Estate Giving

Open your text messaging app.

  1. Type 84321 in the “To” field.

  2. Enter the dollar amount you want to give in the message body.

  3. Send the message.

Text to Give

Why Give?

2 Corinthians 9:6  "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”

Decide in your heart how much to give and do it cheerfully, not reluctantly or under pressure, because God loves a cheerful giver. God will provide everything you need, and you’ll have plenty to share with others.

Whether you’re making a one-time contribution or a recurring donation, your gift to burlpres helps support our ministries and extend God’s kingdom.

Your support is essential to our ministry at burlpres! Please consider how God is guiding you to give.

At burlpres, we offer a variety of ministries for you, your friends, and your family. Discover the many ways you can serve, share your time and resources, get involved, and witness what God can accomplish through you.
