Who is God?

  • God is love, and that God loves all people unconditionally.

  • The Bible is God's word to us and provides answers for all the challenges of our lives.

  • God's love is revealed to us in the life and death, and resurrection of Jesus.

  • The teachings of Jesus are timeless; that means that they are relevant for all people, at all times, and in all circumstances.

Who are humans?

  • We are all one people of God.

  • Each person is wonderfully and perfectly made in the image of God and, because of this, is intimately known by God.

  • Each person falls short of living the life God intends us to live.

  • Jesus offers his love and grace and invites us to be forgiven, transformed and renewed.

  • Each person is called to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Who are we?

  • We are called, as individuals and as a church, to respond with joy to God’s love for us.

  • Growing in our faith helps us address the challenges we face in our families, our relationships, our work, and in our broader social context.

  • We are guided by the Holy Spirit as we serve others and seek healing of our relationships with God and with humanity.

  • We are called to be faithful allies to those affected by social inequities, injustice and exclusion.